As of now this section is still underdevelopment no item requested will be fulfilled until a later date. Were sorry for this inconvenience please check back.

Hello there and welcome the to Men of Kappa Chi’s merch section. This section does have some rules that need to be followed in order for you order to be placed. We ask that You place the PC you were apart of as a part of your name. We also ask you to type into the “Subject” section the answer to the question. Lastly in the message section type which item you’d like and what size. If the answer to the question is correct you will receive an email saying that your order has been placed from Please do not message this email! If you have questions about an order please go to the home page and fill out the Q&A form and that email will send a response. Thank you very much!

Name of item and price

Name of item and price

name of item and price